5 Step Guidebook To Your Bathtub To Shower Huntington Beach Conversion Project

Published On July 6, 2020 | By Sabrina Barstow | Home Improvement

If you intend to renovate your own bathroom particularly if your bathtub is no longer that utilized, you can turn it into a shower. Doing so will give the family members with mobility problems a more modern atmosphere at home, and more open.

There is a do-it-yourself or DIY bathtub conversion that any homeowner can perform but first, there are factors that need to be considered. Consider getting at least one bath in your house to preserve marketability (if you intend to sell your house in the future).

If the sort of tub you have at home is in an alcove, it can be disposed of and left with a space of 34 inches deep and 5 feet long suitable for a shower. It will make you small changes, the water source, and drain line will be set up already and you will be saving on plumbing expenses.

Use shower-stall kits when installing a tub. These are a wonderful low-cost choice designed to fit into old bathtub alcoves and corners. Typically they cost up to $2,000 depending on the requirements that you like. A custom tile shower can also be built but more costly because it costs from $1,000 to $3,500.

You’ll need plywood for floor safety, screwdriver, wrench or all lock, putty knife and utility knife, drywall saw or reciprocating saw, pry bar, and jigsaw in this bathroom shower project.

Check out and read this infographic to find out more about the five steps in your bathroom remodeling project to help you better with a bath to shower conversion. You can also visit Duracare Baths website for more information and further assistance.

For bath fitters, shower remodel Huntington Beach, and bathtub to showers Huntington Beach, contact Duracare Baths.

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