Look Out For These When Choosing A Bathroom Door

Published On June 28, 2021 | By Paul Petersen | Home Improvement

A distinctive feature of bathroom doors is that they will have to be located in a room with high humidity. But do not forget that the ventilation system also plays an important role. For a bathroom, in principle, any interior door is suitable, it all depends on your budget and style. We have prepared a list of 4 easy tips to choosing an ideal bathroom door for your home.

Why Moisture can be Dangerous

Before choosing a bathroom door, you need to analyze the possible risks. A type of risk is if varnish or film was applied unevenly to the door leaf. If the varnish or film is applied unevenly, steam droplets will penetrate into unpainted or empty space, and may cause a material change process. As a result, the door loses its presentable appearance, and the canvas itself is deformed.

MDF Doors

When choosing MDF doors, you should pay attention to several nuances:

The ends of the door leaf. Often, manufacturers do not apply any protection to these areas of the door leaf. When choosing a door, it is best not only to check these places, but also to treat them with means that will protect the material from moisture.

Door Leaf Edge

  • In the absence of tightness, there is a possibility of moisture getting into these joints.
  • These two points are very important when choosing a bathroom door.

Types of Bathroom Doors

The choice of a bathroom door is based on the material. The most common are the following options.

PVC Doors

PVC doors are a wooden frame on which a film is applied. PVC doors are popular and common in the modern market. PVC is a material that is not afraid of splashes, abrasions or scratches. This is a very practical kind of door. There is only one risk – the possibility that the film may peel off.

Enameled Doors

Doors are very similar in composition to PVC doors; they are painted with paint (in 5-6 layers). This type of door is also not afraid of moisture, as it is covered with paint from all sides, except for the upper and lower ends. Moisture is easily removed from them.

Laminated Doors

Roughly the same as PVC doors, but thick paper with a layer of resin acts as a coating. If the humidity is less than 60%, nothing will happen to the door. Also, these doors are easy to maintain and are sold in a wide range of colors.

Glass Doors

This model combines the best parameters. Tempered glass allows you to create not only stylish but also durable products. Doors can be either matte or patterned. Glass doors are heavy, which means that they are equipped with special fittings. Do not forget about the high cost of such models. Such doors are absolutely not afraid of moisture and they will last a very long time.

Visit Gate Door Window today for more door types in Singapore, such as main door, bedroom doors, fire-rated doors and window grilles. You can be sure to get quality products at attractive prices for your HDB home, check them out today.

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